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Tom's Music Place. What Is It? 




In November of 2009, we started Tom's Music Place with one goal, to respect the music.  For way too long, the media has been focused on music and entertainment for a younger audience, and we feel it's time for a more mature attitude. 


TMP wants to lead you to the music, and be the messenger for these creative thinkers. By a click of the mouse, you will have hundreds of playlists to choose from, hear something you like, buy their product, and go to their shows, so they can continue to make music. That simple.




Each month, we make selections of albums we want to feature and we list them in order of which ones we liked the most to least. We also include our movie and book reviews for each month. When you click on a month and year, you will see the songs and albums selected. The songs will be linked up with either the official video or place you can listen to it your self. We have also linked up each album to where you can buy it.




Tom Carley is the webmaster for Tom's Music Place. He has been the key person who maintains the company's website, which is used to promote music labels and their artists. Over the last 5 years, he has met key music and writing partners who have been working with him in creating a new and exciting site.  Since he started Tom's Music Place,  they will be adding 6 more sites, each with their own focus. Since the start of the site, the site has grown to getting millions hits a day, and keeps on growing. The 7 sites including Tom's Music Place are:

The Creative Realm - Arts, Stage Promotions
Peacemaker - Environment and Social Issues Awareness campaigns.
Listmania - A list lovers website.
Grapevine -  A social media website for musicians and artists.
Riso Delic - A music label for the 21st Century
Repainting the Sky - An online memoir.


Thank you,


Tom Jr., Ritchy, and Bernard.

Owners of Tom's Music Place.

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