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Chapter Forty-Five: To All The Musicians

You are my heroes. You could do anything else in the world, but you took your lives and decided to do something we all enjoy, you created music. I also believe the world takes for granted what you do everyday. So I always ask them when they find out I am a music promoter, "Can you imagine a world without music or the humans who create it?" If you cannot imagine such a world, do more than listen to music, help them continue to make more by purchasing their music, go to their concerts, and contact them to let them know what their music means to you.

For me, music and the musicians who create it, have saved my life over and over again, and have given me focus over the most painful moments of my life. So I want to thank you for deciding to create a product that we all love to listen to, music. In the over 30 years of promoting music, there is no doubt that you who make the music for the rest of us are the most talented, unique individuals the world will ever see.

And let me be clear, I will be spending the rest of my life promoting the music you make till every man, woman and child listens to it. You prove the world every day, the talent you possess, and you don't owe it to anyone to have to explain it. You are musicians...and no one else can say that.

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