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Chapter Forty-Six: To My "Brother", Bernard


When I think of what you mean to me and what you have done for me over the years, I am at a loss for words, but I will do the best I can. and I know you hate "Thank You's, but tough shit, because I have a lot to thank you for. Meeting you was one of the greatest things that have every happened to me and it is another moment in my life where I always say the greatest things happen when you least expect it.

I had just lost Mark about 6 months before we met and I was simply sad beyond words and had just finished And when I finished I wanted to find someone who would be interested in helping post reviews so I wouldn't be talking out of my own head all the time and so I went looking for someone on various social media sites and one day, I found you.

I contacted you because your profile intrigued me and lo and behold, after all these years later, I have come to think of you as my brother. You have also become my most trusted confidante and ally. Your integrity, honesty and humor has made these incredibly tough years without Mark more bearable. And for those who don't know Bernie, let me tell you about him.

He is simply one of the kindest, most genuine and compassionate people I have ever met. In the time I have known him, I can count on my hands, the number of days I have not spoken to him. We have spoken almost every day, relentlessly. And I honestly, miss him on those days I don't get to at least say hi.

He is not just an animal rights activists, he walks the talk. He always keeps his promises, and he will give you his honest opinion on anything you need it on. Even though the things he says may hurt to listen to, he is only trying to help those he loves. He has written some of the most intelligent, engaging books I have ever read.

One of the key personality traits that is most important for me to find in someone is integrity, well with Bernie, when you look up the word in a dictionary, his image will be there. And Bernie, you can count on me on anything you need and I am here for you, and I wish you nothing but the greatest of luck and love in anything you put your mind and heart into. And buddy, I love you with all my heart and so blessed you are my friend.


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